Rhodes Scholar vs Idiot Boy Traitor [T]rump

Buttigieg’s resume in part reads: “a veteran who completed a seven-month deployment in Afghanistan; a Rhodes Scholar [meaning he studied at the University of Oxford in England after he graduated–this is not a simple study abroad program!]; a concert pianist; and a polyglot who speaks a half-dozen languages.” Before him, President Obama received his J.D. (Doctor of Jurisprudence) from Harvard, taught Constitutional law at the University of Chicago, and won the Noble Peace prize to name a few life accomplishments. In addition, President Clinton is also a Rhodes Scholar and graduated from Yale Law School with his J.D. Then we have traitor trump who transferred to and then graduated from Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania with his Bachelor’s in Economics, although probably with the same C-average–at best–that President W. Bush boasts of earning in college, which only goes to prove that RepubliKKKlans just love to settle for average leaders, whereas Democrats really do have exceptionally smart leaders. This is consistent, I suppose, with the RepubliKKKlan notion that “liberals” look down on their intellect despite the fact that conservatives routinely put forward less intelligent people as paragons of their party. And they win! Un-f***ing-believable. Stupid people just love the idea of having the leader of the free world be someone that they can “have a beer with” (folksy W. Bush) or someone who “talks” like them (racist traitor trump). MAGA morons look to traitor trump (and Sarah Palin for that matter) identifying with the word salad of incoherence that comes out of his mouth. While Buttigieg speaks multiple languages, traitor trump and MAGA morons can barely speak one–English! It is so incomprehensible that I can’t anymore. I just can’t. If anyone wants to understand the collective stupidity of America, then one need only listen to traitor trump speak–or W. Bush, for example, “Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?” Welcome to stupid America, where being of average intelligence is good enough to be president! F*** me!