Roe Is Dead: Long Live Sharia Law!

By Sharia law, I really mean America’s version of Christian theocratic law. It’s coming, people! It! Is! Coming! Dumbass Democrats are simply too weak and too late to stop RepubliKKKlans and their evil evangelical backers. Ending Roe is just the tip of the iceberg. I’ve been saying forever that we are living under tyranny by the minority. This instance of tyranny is via SCOTUS, but once traitor trump and RepubliKKKlans take back power, it will be tyranny via a minority of the vote — because that’s how it always is. This is the great fatal flaw with America’s democracy: The minority routinely wins and rules over the majority. This is why I keep saying that 40 percent of the population rules over the other 60 percent, and the majority just take it as if they welcome being the punching bag. Nothing will ever change except for the new religious laws that the right is about to unleash on the rest of us, and no one will care. Elections have consequences! Welcome to stupid America!