Roe Is Dead: No One Cares!

SCOTUS killed Roe, and no one cares! I promise you that no one cares! Oh, sure! The news shows last night and this morning were all agog. Many pundits, scholars, experts, commentators, analysts, professionals, leaders, politicians, et al. weighed in on the meaning and implications of the leaked document that is set to ditch Roe v. Wade. As of this morning, my eyeballs hurt from excessive rolling into the back of my head because much of what I’m hearing is all garbage. I will grant the professional class’s legal analysis is spot on; however, beyond that, they are clueless, especially as it relates to their take on the political consequences of the decision and the “caveat” that this opinion is still a draft and could “change.”

I will take the latter point first. I think it is beyond doubt that the leaked draft is genuine, and I do not doubt that conservatives leaked it! Unfortunately, Democratic justices play by the rules, so they are not the source. Someone — likely a clerk — working for a RepubliKKKlan justice was instructed to leak it. The super-conservative wing of SCOTUS has been telegraphing their intentions ever since the Texas abortion ban, and this is simply another way to signal their will — not so subtly. The leak is intended to soften the shock, signal red states to ready any maximalist anti-abortion laws they wish, and make it impossible for any wavering justices to change their minds. By leaking the opinion, they’ve locked in the decision. I rolled my eyes every time one of the idiot commentators would qualify their remarks by saying, “things could change.” Ugh! Jesus-f***ing-Christ! Have these people learned nothing? I’ve read the draft opinion, and this is the wet-dream, no-holds-barred opinion to wholly and utterly rebuke Roe for which the far-right has been waiting. This opinion is so absolute that there is nothing to change except the typos. And all this talk about “horse-trading” is B.S. There is no more negotiating among the justices. This first draft may as well be the final draft. Mark my words!

Then there is talk about the political consequences of this landmark decision. I can sum it up in one word: Nada! Not a single f***ing thing. This is when my eyeballs hurt the most. And if I have to hear about the “abstract” becoming concrete that will inspire people to act, then I’m going to blow my f***ing head off. Look, f***tards! Democratic and Independent voters just don’t care about abortion rights — only RepubliKKKlans care about killing the freedom. To be sure, women will march. There will be protests. There will be consternation. And there will be crying. But dumbass Democrats who think taking away a 50-year right from women will be a motivating factor to get out the vote are just kidding themselves. No one f***ing cares, especially until November. Democrats failed to care before Roe died, and they’ll fail to care afterward. Mark my words, idiots! RepubliKKKlans are about to take total control of this country, and the time when caring and doing would have made a difference has come and gone. Conservatives have already locked in mechanisms to achieve permanent rule; this latest SCOTUS decision is proof of that! We get the government we deserve, and we’re about to get the tyranny for which we’ve longed. Mark! My! Words! Elections have consequences! Oh, well. Welcome to stupid America. Every day is about to become hell!