Roe Is Dead: Women Are Second-Class Citizens

Let’s strip away all the pretenses of the “anti-abortion” crowd. Let’s dispense with the morality of abortion and the notion of when life begins. Let’s forget about the argument of privacy being in or not in the Constitution. In reality, none of these are factors for RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks in the pursuit to overturn Roe. There is only one concern: To relegate women to second-class citizens. Of course, none of these people will admit their ultimate goal so directly; we must infer their intentions by the outcome. What is the outcome? It is nothing new and nothing that has not already been mentioned. The outcome is to forbid women’s agency over their bodies. Their body and its function are about to become the state’s property. Full stop! If in an alternate universe where the gender roles were reversed but the political power remained the same, I promise the outcome would be different. That is to say, if men were getting pregnant and had all the political power, then abortions would be legal, on-demand, and without restriction.

Since America is a society wherein the “weaker” sex (i.e., women) must be subdued and dominated, the primary way to do so is for white, straight, cis-gendered male evangelicals to take away a woman’s control over her body. And America is supposed to be a country that proclaims freedom! If conservatives truly believed in freedom — as they like to shout and remind everyone, every day, and at every opportunity — they would have to concede that freedom to bodily autonomy is paramount and that a pregnant woman is simply a line that cannot be crossed. The notion of bodily freedom should be controlling in decision-making and in law; abortion is a potentially unsavory consequence that really is no one else’s business. If you hate abortions, then don’t f***ing get one, f***tard. I live in stupid hell! Welcome to stupid America.