Roe v. Wade Ended Yesterday: Oh, Well

From The Hill, “A Texas bill banning virtually all abortions after a heartbeat is detected, which can occur in as few as six weeks, went into effect at midnight on Wednesday after the Supreme Court did not move to block it.” So, effectively Roe v. Wade ended last night. It is pretty clear SCOTUS is signaling that it will strike down this 48-year-old legal precedent, and no one cares. Oh, well! I’ve written about this moment extensively, and I knew dumbass Democrats would be completely incompetent to mount a sustained fight to protect women’s rights. This is a long battle finally won by conservatives. Let the floodgates open because do not think the fight stops here for a second. Those who actually thought that abortion rights were ever about protecting life, then I have a bridge in New York I’d like to sell you. Conservatives have never cared about the fetus; the fight against Roe has always been about controlling women (Taliban-style). Now the law of the land that protected a woman’s right to control her own body has gone right out the window with little more than a whipper. (I have yet to hear an outraged Democrat on this news; they have pretty much capitulated — predictably.)

I just wrote about the SCOTUS “shadow docket,” which is a perfect example. By doing nothing, they have undone everything. Watch other conservative states follow suit with new laws similar to the Texas law, which is actually far more restrictive than the Mississippi abortion law that SCOTUS will be hearing at the start of the new term — next month. It is difficult to see how SCOTUS would allow a more restrictive Texas law to take effect but strike down the Mississippi law upon review. No, the Texas model is the new standard. This model is that the state itself will not criminally prosecute women; instead, the state will leave enforcement up to individual snitches to spy on and sue everyone around the woman receiving the abortion who may or may not be aiding and abetting her to exercise her constitutional right — see below. Indeed, Roe has effectively been killed by proxy!

But wait! There is more! Also, from The Hill, “The bill, in addition to prohibiting virtually all abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected, allows most private citizens to file lawsuits against abortion providers if they have a suspicion that the provider infringed on the new policy.” So, here we have legalized (and incentivized!) citizen vigilantism against women. Not sure why a perfect stranger should be given legal standing to sue someone for helping what a woman does to her body — legally or illegally — that does not directly harm said perfect stranger. Yet, this is the law, and people are completely fine with that because America is becoming a totalitarian nation of f***tards who simply don’t care what happens anymore — state by state, law by law, politician by politician. As I said above, the fight will not stop. Next: Gay’s rights — all of them; other minorities’ rights; the rest of women’s rights; Democrats’ rights — yes, rights of the opposition party will become fair game. Mark my words. I have been saying that the perfect storm is already upon us. The stars have fully aligned for RepubliKKKlans to destroy America’s democracy. And best of all? No one f***ing cares. Dumbass Democrats will shrug — as they typically do — while wondering what went wrong. It’s all too late, morons. Oh, well. All these RepubliKKKlans will get re-elected like clockwork! And there will be more losses for Democrats to come because they are weak and pathetic. RepubliKKKlans are railroading Democrats because they can. Welcome to stupid America! The country is finished, and they’re coming for your rights next!