According to NBC News, “Pvt. 2nd Class Travis King is in North Korean custody after crossing the heavily fortified border ‘willfully and without authorization,’ Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told reporters Tuesday. King, who had recently been released from a South Korean prison, had been escorted by the military to Incheon International Airport outside Seoul, the capital, for possible further disciplinary action in the United States.” Biden should not waste a single f***ing ounce of political capital on North Korea by trying to repatriate this f***tard King guy. I don’t care if he is (or was) a soldier. I don’t care if he’s a U.S. citizen. I don’t care if he’s mentally unstable. It is pretty evident that this moron did not wander into North Korea; he made a conscious, deliberate decision to enter the Hermit Kingdom. I assume because that’s where he wants to be. If this f***tard wants to give up his freedom to languish and die in a totalitarian state’s prison, then who am I to question King’s actions? So be it! But America should not rescue him. He made his bed, so he can die in it. This goes for all those other idiot citizens residing or visiting enemy nations such as Russia and Iran. Get the f*** out now. We are not coming for you! We’re not going to waste a f***ing prisoner swap on you. We are not putting another “Merchant of Death” back on the streets to bring an American defector home. I’m tired of America having to save morons from themselves. Welcome to stupid America.