Russia and Iran Protests: Yeah, So?

First, from CNN, “More than 500 people have been detained across Russia in a crackdown on anti-war protests across two dozen cities in Russia, according to the independent monitoring group OVD-Info. About 100 arrests were made at protests in St. Petersburg after President Vladimir Putin’s announcement of a partial mobilization to increase the availability of troops for the war in Ukraine.” Second, from Reuters, “Iranian authorities said three people including a member of the security forces had been killed on Tuesday during unrest sweeping the country, as anger at the death of a woman in the custody of the morality police fuelled protests for a fifth day. Official sources now say a total of seven people have been killed since protests erupted on Saturday over the death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old from Iranian Kurdistan who died last week after being arrested in Tehran for ‘unsuitable attire.’”

So, why do I point out these excerpts? Because they are meaningless. The MSM would have you think that the populous is becoming agitated in these dictatorships as if “something” is finally changing. Well, f***tards, it’s not. How many f***ing times do I have to keep repeating myself? People get and deserve the government they want and desire. Full stop! No exceptions — ever! The most recent case in point is Putin’s Russia. From The Conversation, “A nationwide vote has ratified constitutional reforms proposed by Russian president, Vladimir Putin. With a 68% turnout, 78% of those taking part voted in favour of the changes, according to Russia’s Central Electoral Commission (CEC). … Crucially for Putin, the package of constitutional changes includes an amendment allowing him to run again for the presidency in 2024 – and stay in power until 2036. … Beyond the amendments affecting presidential powers, a disparate group of other changes were inserted awkwardly into the constitution. These include a reference to God (in a supposedly secular state), the statement that marriage is a union between a man and a woman, and a ban on detracting from the people’s ‘defence of the Fatherland.’”

In short, people voted to discriminate against the gays and keep Putin in power for life. How so unsurprising. But it’s what they voted into law. And even if the referendum was rigged — and it probably was — the people sure did react to the changes with supine fervor. In the end, people get exactly the government with which they are content, either directly through their votes or indirectly through their passivity. What else am I to infer? And if you want to talk about Iran for a second, the people duly elected a hardline government most recently. So, why are people now surprised that women are being brutalized and killed in that Islamic theocracy? Mark my words! If and when people truly get sick of living under a dictatorship, then they will revolt. But so far, authoritarians have ruled for 40 years in Iran and 20 years in Russia. Those countries are oppressing their populations just fine. And their populations apparently don’t mind, as I have not seen these governments toppled by said oppressed citizens because deep down inside people love their dictators! But whatever! I can’t wait to see what kind of government Americans want to live under after the midterms! Welcome to stupid America! Check back when there is an actual revolution.