Russia Is Perfect for Stupid America

From CNN, “America is blundering into a new Russia election-meddling hall of mirrors that’s already doing Moscow’s work: tearing fresh political divides and threatening to again tarnish democracy’s most sacred moment, a national election. Revelations Thursday about intelligence assessments that Russia has launched a new interference effort to help reelect Donald Trump — and the President’s furious reaction — mark the return of a recurring nightmare for the country just nine months before the presidential election.” The only reason Russia was successful the first time and will be just as successful this time around is that America is full of abject f***tards. Only in stupid America do Americans get their “news” from Facebook and Twitter. Only in stupid America does Russia promote a dictator to be president and Americans like it. Only in stupid America does traitor trump’s job approval ratings improve the more incompetent and autocratic he acts. Only in stupid America! At this point, I say f*** it! F*** it all! A country that can be so easily and collectively manipulated and be so gullible no longer deserves to persist. Seriously! I give up! Why not? For decades the minority population of RepubliKKKlans has always had an outsized amount of power over the majority of the population and the minority has always just sat back and done nothing until it’s too late. Guess what? It’s too late! So let the RepubliKKKlan takeover of America be complete and let’s see just how miserable America becomes with less private rights, more poverty, no affordable health care that will be back to discriminating coverage for individuals. Let it all burn down before the morons of America wake up and realize what has been lost. I hate the stupidity of this country. It’s all stupid, all the time. Where is the Einsatzgruppen for stupid America? Seriously! Just line them up! Welcome to stupid America, morons. Mark my words!