According to The New York Times, “Speaking to hundreds of Russian lawmakers and governors in a grand Kremlin hall, Mr. Putin said that the residents of the four regions — which are still partially controlled by Ukrainian forces — would become Russia’s citizens ‘forever.’ He then held a signing ceremony with the Russian-installed heads of those regions to start the official annexation process, before clasping hands with them and chanting ‘Russia! Russia!’” I have no f***ing clue how Putin walks this back. How does one declare to his countrymen that he’s absorbed large swaths of the Ukrainian population as Russian citizens “forever” and not back down the second “foreigners” “attack” them? (And Ukraine is going to want those regions back.) I’ll tell you how: By not backing down. I am now confident in declaring Putin’s little rally stunt today was a call to arms for World War III. We are there, folks! The time has come. Brace yourselves! These are two forces set on a collision course that Putin has now placed in stone. There is no negotiating when Putin has announced annexed Ukrainians to be Russians forever and Zelenskyy correctly declares no f***ing way!
And I think all these talking heads on MSM, as well as politicians, are being extraordinarily naive to brush off Putin’s bellicosity as just bluster or intimidation or the ravings of a desperate man on the defensive who is losing his war. This may all very well be true, and it may also be true that he is ready to push the world to the brink. I think he’s already decided; it’s now or never. I also hear pundits profess their perplexity by seeing the dichotomy of a Putin declaring Russia will push through to total victory and a populous less than enthusiastic about the state of affairs. There is nothing about which to be confused because it’s ultimately immaterial. Have these professional pundits already forgotten the lessons of Nazi Germany and Hitler? Allow me to remind the reader.
It was all fun and games for the citizens of Nazi Germany while Hitler was overrunning and winning against Poland, the low countries, Norway, France, Greece, the Balkan states, and North Africa. And then came the invasion of Russia. Even the German layman understood that taking on Russia was probably a bridge too far, but they trusted Hitler, so the citizens rallied behind the Fuhrer nonetheless. Well, how did that turn out? This is the point: Do not expect “the people” to rise up and save the country from its dictator, for they will not! Citizens will cower. They will oblige. They go along. Or they will flee — I’m talking to you conscription-eligible Russians! So, do not expect Putin to get thrown out of power or wait for some coup. It’s not going to happen. As I have repeatedly — repeatedly — said, the only way is through! Not around, not back, not over, not under. The only way to check Putin and the rise of authoritarianism worldwide is to smite it! The sooner everyone understands this, the sooner the world can pick up the pieces and move on. Now, what the state of the world looks like on the other side? I have no idea. Probably less free than you think. If being a part of this species for decades has taught me anything, it’s that humanity is overdue for a great conflagration because that’s what primates eventually do — hate, kill, and war. We’re nothing more than monkeys willing to throw our sh*t at each other. Welcome to stupid humanity. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.