Russian Invasion Is Imminent

From The New York Tims, “On Jan. 5, 18 people — mostly the children and wives of Russian diplomats — boarded buses and embarked on a 15-hour drive home to Moscow, according to a senior Ukrainian security official. About 30 more followed in the next few days, from Kyiv and a consulate in Lviv, in western Ukraine. Diplomats at two other Russian consulates have been told to prepare to leave Ukraine, the security official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss national security matters. How to interpret the evacuation has become part of the mystery of divining the next play by President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia. Thinning out the Russian Embassy may be part propaganda, part preparation for a looming conflict or part feint, Ukrainian and U.S. officials say. It could be all three.” The stupid hurts and the MSM is making it worse. I am getting rather sick of news anchors, commentators, pundits, and “experts” “all-sides-ing” blatant evidence that Russia is preparing — has been for months now — to invade Ukraine, yet everyone seems to be providing alternate — any number of other conceivable — explanations as to why Putin may not be preparing to invade. (Except Lt. Colonel Vindman. He’s been very clear-eyed with his analysis about what’s sure to happen.) I don’t know what the f*** it is with Americans that love to be willfully ignorant, complacent, and stupid. Perhaps the MSM doesn’t want to be alarmist. Well, maybe they should be. Maybe they need to wake America the f*** up! Christ, Biden gets it! He basically just said Russia is going to invade. He did not mince words, unlike every other pundit and “expert” on the subject matter who keeps thinking there is some negotiated off-ramp waiting to happen. Look, Putin has already decided to invade; we’re just waiting for him to pull the trigger.

Look here, f***tards! I will repeat myself — again! If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it’s a f***ing G.D. duck, morons. Yet, I keep hearing these international and Russian “experts” on MSM providing justifications as to why what everyone is seeing could just be one large, prolonged feint (psych!) or a negotiating tactic, although negotiations have essentially stalled. These people are in wishful thinking mode. Fan-f***ing-tastic. International political analysis based on hope. He’s going to invade, morons! Putin has been adding more troops to surrounding Ukraine borders. He’s invaded Ukraine twice before — and he’s still there. He knows Biden is weak and America is divided. Putin also knows 40 percent of Americans love Russia more than America; those people are the traitor MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and the Russian-lover traitor himself trump. Putin knows NATO and the EU are unwilling to defend Ukraine’s sovereignty in order to protect their own economic (energy) interests by extension. Not to mention the entire world has been weakened by COVID. This is Putin’s chance! It’s just so f***ing obvious, yet the world seems pretty intent on looking the other way. But, don’t worry, people. When it does happen then the Allies will wring their hands a bit and slap on more feckless sanctions. And then shrug their shoulders. After that, Ukraine will be on its own to resist becoming a satellite state of Russia, or should I say the U.S.S.R., which is Putin’s grander dream. Not to mention Putin literally believes Ukraine is still a part of Mother Russia that’s gone rogue. Mark my words, morons. It’s as plain as the nose on your face! We’re just going to let this happen when we should be bombing Putin and Russia into the stone age. I’ve had enough of Putin walking all over us!