Russians Are Morons

There is little doubt that Russians give Americans a run for their money in the stupidity race. According to The Times of Israel (ironic on a couple of levels), “Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday vowed that ‘as in 1945, victory will be ours’ as he congratulated former Soviet nations on the 77th anniversary of Nazi Germany’s defeat in World War II. ‘Today, our soldiers, as their ancestors, are fighting side by side to liberate their native land from the Nazi filth with the confidence that, as in 1945, victory will be ours,’ said Putin, who sent Russian troops into Ukraine in February.”

It is incomprehensible to anyone — or it should be — that Nazis have returned to Europe, especially reincarnated in the Jewish leader of Ukraine. F*** this excuse that Russians are “brainwashed” or “propagandized” into believing something so absurd. We actually give too much credit to propaganda and fail to recognize that only a country full of f***tards could possibly believe such nonsense. Some assertions, by their very nature, are a posteriori ridiculous. Putin claims Nazis are running Ukraine. Last I checked my history, Nazis were out and proud, so to speak. They did not hide their politics or their affiliations. In fact, their marks and symbols were everywhere in Germany and other occupied territories. Everyone knew they were Nazis. Nazis knew they were Nazis. Citizens of occupied nations knew Nazis were Nazis. The Allied nations knew Nazis were Nazis. No one throughout the world doubted who the Nazis were. Yet, apparently, today’s Nazis in Ukraine is one big worldwide secrete that only the Russians can see. Christ! Even American Nazis of today aren’t shy. They love to march with their tiki torches dressed in khakis wearing their “Look, I’m a Nazi!” armbands, flags, and salutes. Nazis don’t hide! Mind you as well that the Russian army is parading and still using the goosestep. You tell me which nation still reflects the Nazis. Welcome to the idiocracy club, Russia! Your idiot boy Putin is making the entire country look like a bunch of f***tards! Ugh. Whatever. I live in stupid hell!