
S.C. Abortion Ban Met with … Silence

CNN reports, “A controversial six-week abortion ban bill is headed to South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster’s desk to be signed into law after the measure cleared the state Senate Tuesday.” Oh, and this happened — with nary a ripple of outrage. This hardly got mentioned in the MSM, which has also essentially given up on reporting on the subject since it’s become rather mundane. (Another state passed a predictable abortion ban. So, what?) Once again, I ask. Where are the multitudes marching in the streets? Where is the civil disobedience? Where are the boycotts? How is it that women’s rights continue to be stripped away week after week, state after state, and the collective response has been ¯\_(ツ)_/¯? Oh, sure, there has been some pushback in some states (e.g., Wisconsin and Michigan), but those are exceptions. The majority of reaction has been muted or fleeting flights of “outrage.” I know the answer as to why the lackluster response from women. As I’ve been saying since (and before) the end of Roe: No one cares about abortion rights, least of all women. Oh, yes, you heard me correctly — least of all women! Again, I state it thusly: Abortion rights are always someone else’s problem! This is especially true for women because they’re never the ones who’ll need an abortion — until they need one, and then it will be too late. Then they start caring but continue to vote for RepubliKKKlans. I’m sorry to sound so harsh and uncaring, but what I’m witnessing bears that out. How else could all these states still successfully push through more and more restrictive abortion bans while understanding the nation’s pro-choice majority? How else can legislatures and governors keep getting away with it? Because they apprehend that no one really cares, and voters — ultimately — will continue to vote for RepubliKKKlans because — again — I say: Abortions! Are! Someone! Else’s! F***ing! Problem!

But whatever. Don’t take my word for it. Just open your G.D. f***ing eyes and see what states are actually accomplishing in restricting abortion rights. If and when — and a big emphasis on if — women take to the streets in the tens of millions, boycotts begin to cripple businesses, and civil disobedience truly captures the attention of the general public so that women’s healthcare becomes everyone’s problem, then maybe I’ll begin to believe women are serious about taking back their bodily autonomy. Until then, I simply do not believe women care enough. Mark my words. Oh, well. Welcome to stupid America, where people generally just don’t care about women’s rights. If you don’t believe me, then just Google the Equal Rights Amendment. We’re still waiting!