Sadly, Harris Cannot Win!

Get ready, f***tards of America! The end is coming and coming sooner rather than later! I’ve been reticent these last few weeks as I’ve been carefully assessing the state of the presidential contest, and I am now ready to render my sad verdict: Harris cannot win. I had high hopes, and, to be sure, she came out of the corner swinging hard and landing punches, but, unfortunately, she is competing in the dumbest country on earth and to a sh*t-for-brains electorate that is saturated with racism and misogyny. I knew Biden could not win, and now Harris cannot win despite all of her efforts. I’ve always been a backer of Harris, even back in 2016, knowing the odds would always be against her. But I, too, can fall into a state of hopeium. I had hoped the surprise nomination of Harris and the ensuing enthusiasms would push the nation to elect her; however, the polls have stabilized, and while she is a couple of three points in the lead, it is not enough. She needs to be winning outside the margin of error. Allow me to make my case.

First and most importantly, Harris is not only underperforming in the polls in key, but she must have constituencies compared to Biden. She is also underperforming compared to Hillary Clinton at this same point in the race. She’s losing white men — no surprise there; she’s losing Black and Latino voters to traitor trump — again, not surprising given that constituency, which was to be expected. She is performing better among Gen Z, but as usual, a party that anticipates the youth vote to show up to cast a ballot is one that can expected to be sorely disappointed. She also overperforms with the female vote, which is the most reliable of voters. Nonetheless, considering everything, I don’t think it is enough to get her over the top. And that’s just the Harris side of the equation. The traitor trump side of the equation is even more depressing for Democrats because given everything that traitor trump has done since the time he came down that golden escalator — given everything we know and have witnessed of him — nothing f***ing matters. Nothing has fazed this sh*t-for-brains country. Nothing! It is more so this side of the Harris-trump calculus that persuades me that Harris cannot win. This race should not be close — ever! Yet, it is. And that is the sad truth. How can America survive if it is utterly incapable of discerning the dangers of traitor trump from the Harris, who wants to protect our democracy? It can’t. Welcome to stupid America!