Salt Lick Survey

According to The Hill, “Most Americans are opposed to state government laws that prohibit LGBTQ lessons from being taught in elementary schools, according to a new ABC News poll. The latest poll found that 62 percent of those surveyed opposed any type of legislation that prohibits LGBTQ lessons from being taught in schools, while 37 percent of those asked supported a prohibition.” Oh, this type of survey again. This is the good ole “we won’t say outright that we hate the gays, but we don’t care if states pass legislation to delegitimize them” questioning. Look, f***tards! Pollsters can ask these types of questions all day long, but take the results with a huge grain of salt, for only one thing matters: The legislation that passes. Despite most people saying they support LGBTQ causes or individuals, citizens still have no problem voting for RepubliKKKlan governors and legislators that pass laws doing just the opposite. Morons of America should know all too well by now that public sentiment and legislative actions rarely converge because we live in more of an authoritarian nation than a democracy. It is the tyranny of the minority (conservatives) over the majority (progressives). After all, Americans love to say the right things but do (or allow to be done) just the contrary — aka their true feelings. Funny how some of the most populous states in the nation (Texas and Florida) are leading the charge to marginalize and criminalize the LGBTQ community, and the “will of the people” is utterly onboard at worst and apathetic at best. Oh, well! Welcome to stupid America!