Same-Sex Marriage Surprise

According to Gallup polling, “U.S. support for legal same-sex marriage continues to trend upward, now at 70% — a new high in Gallup’s trend since 1996. This latest figure marks an increase of 10 percentage points since 2015, when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that all states must recognize same-sex marriages.”

Source: Gallup

Sure, I am surprised same-sex marriage acceptance has reached a new high so quickly, and it is undeniable that the trend over time is clearly toward greater acceptance. I am especially surprised that for the first time a small majority of RepubliKKKlans (55 percent) support same-sex marriage. So, I guess congratulations to all those RepubliKKKlans who, I suppose, have realized that marriage as an institution has not collapsed in America, that straight husbands have not been lured away by gay men to get married en mass, that divorce rates have not skyrocketed as straight couples declare “I give up with marriage” because gay people can do it therefore somehow “my marriage vows are now worthless,” that cats and dogs have not taken to shacking up (outside the family unit), and that the world has not come to an end because of God’s wrath! All these rationales — except for the cats and dogs — were conservative arguments against same-sex marriage. In short, they made the absurd assumption that how gay people love each other directly cheapens their own straight love. Why the f*** RepubliKKKlans always derive their own self-worth from what other people are allowed to do or not do is so f***ing beyond me, yet it is their self-esteem safety blanket to which they always run.

All that being said, the LGBTQ community is still not safe. RepubliKKKlans want to be able to discriminate against the gays, and don’t think popular public opinion will stop conservative lawmakers and judges from enshrining anti-gay and gay-hate acceptable laws. Because Lord knows there are plenty of other majority popular public opinions on issues that RepubliKKKlans deny and ignore. Can you think of one or two? Anyone? Anyone at all? How about universal background checks on gun purchases and climate change? Enough said. Welcome to stupid America where if the majority wants something then RepubliKKKlans make sure it does not happen!