‘Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud’ — ‘Walls Closing In’

Ugh! These seem to be the new “trendy” catchphrases for MSM and exasperated dumbass Democrats who keep trying to convince Americans that traitor trump is somehow getting himself into legal trouble, especially after his most recent Nuremberg-style hate rally in Texas where he said out loud that he would pardon all the January 6 insurrectionists and demanded more insurrections if the law comes after him. God! Just f***ing kill me now with this B.S.!

I will cut right to the point: AG Garland is never going to prosecute traitor trump. I say this constantly! It’s just not going to happen — ever — morons. Mark my words. And if it does happen by some miracle of God then the traitor will declare his run for president the next day in which case he becomes the hot potato that would immediately halt any investigations because that’s just how f***ing G.D. weak and worthless Garland is. He would rather maintain the appearance of DOJ independence and fairness at the risk of traitor trump — wait for it — wait for it — getting away with everything as usual. The only reason traitor trump is stirring up controversy at these rallies is because he literally has nothing better to do and he can get away with it. He’s bored and he’s losing the spotlight, so he just wants to remain relevant and popular. His lashing out has nothing to do with feelings of the “walls closing in” on him. The moron is bored and wants attention. Plain and simple. Not to mention, he has to keep the rabble entertained because this is a country of “entertain me!” f***tards!

For years, MSM and dumbass Democrats have been talking about this, that, or the other is finally going to catch up with traitor trump. Surely, he can’t get away with this, that, or the other. For years they’ve been saying the day will come and for years they’ve been wrong! In fact, his whole life has been one long chain of getting away with this, that, or the other. Lawsuits, bankruptcies, failed business ventures, failed casinos, stealing from his charities, failed marriages, infidelity, sexual misconduct, grabbing women by the p*ssy. Today is no different. The Mueller report went nowhere. Two impeachments were defeated. The twin New York investigations have stalled even after the release of his taxes which were supposed to be the holy grail that would undo him. Weisselberg was supposed to crack and turn on traitor trump. Not! Still waiting! The Georgia investigation into his election interference is “heating up” allegedly. But don’t be fooled. This too will eventually stall. And I have heard absolutely no mention anywhere of this little tidbit: But I do hope people realize the Georgia investigation is a case at the county level, which means when the time comes — if the case against traitor trump gets too close — the state can step in and quash it. As for the House select committee investigating the January 6 insurrection — the mother of all investigations into traitor trump — that will also go nowhere. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. People don’t care. To be sure, the committee will deliver a very thorough and powerful report, but there will be no smoking gun, which the public demands to capture their attention because American’s are too f***ing busy blaming Biden for the price of gas and their favorite health food — bacon. Once again, must I remind morons of America that the House can only investigate! Oh, sure they can recommend or make criminal referrals to DOJ, but we all know what AG Garland will do — nothing. We’re still waiting for him to do something with the House’s criminal contempt referral of Mark Meadows. It’s been six f***ing weeks and Garland has done nothing! Unless and until traitor trump actually confesses to ordering the G.D. code red, then he’s untouchable. Untouchable! Mark my words, f***tards!

And don’t believe these recent polls showing a traitor trump slump. A Washington Post article goes into these recent polls, but the piece’s tagline says it all: “There are signs that some Republicans are less positive about him since the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol. But his base holds firm, and that might be all he needs if he seeks the GOP nomination in 2024.” They basically defeat the entire purpose of the article with the first sentence. That just goes to show they don’t believe what they’ve written either. Neither should you. All these polls are worthless once traitor trump jumps into the race. Then all bets are off. Once in, he’ll consolidate support around himself, and his diehard RepubliKKKlan, evil evangelical, QAnon, and MAGA moron base will support him without question. He is going to sail through the nomination process because the man is bored and his candidacy is the only thing that will keep the law off his back! Welcome to stupid America! A country too stupid to survive. Oh, well!