Schumer: A Disastrous Leader — Shame!

According to Alternet, “Drawing on reporting in Politico and Business Insider, Quay explains, ‘(Schumer’s) failure to reach a compromise with Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) to pass the Build Back Better bill and his decision to force a vote on President Biden’s already doomed voting rights agenda, several Democratic staffers told Politico, highlighted divisions in the party at a time when Democrats are in danger of losing their already razor-thin majority…. Schumer turned Sens. Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) into scapegoats, staffers argued, subjecting his fellow Democrats (to) the ire that ought to have been directed toward Republicans.’ … A senior House Democratic aide, presumably interviewed on condition of anonymity, told Politico, ‘Leadership 101 is even if you don’t get someone today, you’re going to need them tomorrow. The level of malpractice is stunning. BBB is a once-in-a-ten-year opportunity, and we fucked it up.’” I’ve never been a fan of Schumer; he’s always been a weak player, and I cringed during every Senate floor speech where his strongest words of rebuke to RepubliKKKlan skullduggery was “shame!” Oh, my f***ing God! Really? “Shame?” “Shame on them,” Schumer would exclaim. Wow! Truly, truly milquetoast. What a f***ing G.D. joke. RepubliKKKlans have no shame. Did he really think he was landing any political punches or making a point? Pelosi has bigger balls than Schumer.

So, not only is Schumer weak in his speaking, but he is weak in his actions. The latest demonstration of his feebleness was the disastrous and failed voting rights bill. The only thing Schumer proved is that he knows how to bring up a bill to showcase his complete incompetence. He claimed he wanted to put everyone on the record, to make them vote against voting rights as if those casting a no vote would be shamed into changing their minds. No one cares and no one will remember who voted against the bill. All they will remember is Democrats failed to pass it. When the leader of Senate dumbass Democrats relies on “shame” as the cornerstone of whipping his caucus votes, then what else does one expect to happen? Thankfully, I think Sinema and Manchin have thick skins, so they’ll roll with the punches. But if dumbass Democrats think there is anyone else in all of West Virginia that can keep the one and only Democratic seat in the state delegation, then by all means back that person. But guess what? There isn’t one. Thus, we have to live with Manchin and all the power he wields, or as Manchin, himself repeatedly tells leadership: Elect more Democrats! Truly! My God! We are so f***ing screwed! I just can’t deal with the weakness and the stupidity anymore. Welcome to stupid America! P.S. Democrats, don’t f*** up the SCOTUS nomination! Seriously!