Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

SCOTUS and Abortions: Let It Happen

Sure! Why not? It’s time to overturn Roe v. Wade. I’m deadly serious, and I’ve said it before, so just f*** it at this point. This has been a forty-seven-year fight waged by conservatives and RepubliKKKlans against liberals and dumbass Democrats, a fight dumbass Democrats have been abjectly incapable and unwilling to engage vigorously. So, be it! The weak and right party lost while the strong and wrong party won. We bet on the wrong horse. And, yes, I am reducing the seriousness of abortion rights to betting on a horse race because it is precisely the level of triviality and the gamble dumbass Democrats placed on SCOTUS and the hottest of all hot button issues ever since Roe v. Wade was decided. Democrats declared victory forty-seven years ago and walked away, never looking back and never thinking twice about women’s reproductive rights or SCOTUS again — until now, it seems. Elections have consequences, morons! Liberals and dumbass Democrats have entirely failed to make that point, election cycle after election cycle, and one confirmed right-wing nutjob judge after another confirmed right-wing nutjob judge. What does one expect when the left wing of the political spectrum falls asleep at the wheel? So, f*** it! This is precisely the America for which people voted, wittingly or unwittingly.

But whatever! Maybe liberals and progressives will get woke now? I f***ing doubt it. No! I know they won’t. Certainly not woke enough to matter or change things. Perhaps just woke enough to endure mindlessly, which is not far from the current state of the progressive moment. I don’t care anymore. I never had a dog in the abortion fight anyway. So, let women be forced to endure things with their bodies that they don’t want. Who cares about women’s rights anyway? Clearly, most women who voted for traitor trump propelling him to victory, don’t care, so why should I? Americans clearly don’t mind old white men telling all women what to do with their bodies, so why should I be concerned? Why should I care about a resurging misogynistic ethos in America? America’s men have always detested women, so now it’s just more pronounced, bolder, and about to be enshrined into law. In the end, what will it matter? Abortion protection will merely be removed at the federal level, thereby moving the question to the states. Thus, state by state will determine abortion rights, and those red states will ban it outright. So, let those women suffer. They can always move or, God forbid, do the unthinkable — vote out RepubliKKKlan state lawmakers and replace them with progressives. But, once again, who am I kidding? That will never happen.

Or, women can always go back to coat hangers because making abortions illegal has never actually stopped abortions; it just pushes them underground where they are performed in unsafe conditions and by desperate do-it-yourself practitioners. What will naturally follow is legislation that punishes women (with jail time) for attempting or successfully terminating a pregnancy, which is consistent with traitor trump’s call to punish women for seeking an abortion. Don’t think for one G.D. second RepubliKKKlans will stop with merely outlawing abortions; they will jail women who legally get abortions in other states, for states can and conservative states will most certainly regulate what their female residents can and cannot do with their own bodies in another state. Ending Roe v. Wade is just the beginning: “Theoretically, a state opposed to abortion could enact a law prohibiting its female citizens from traveling to another jurisdiction to obtain a legal abortion.” (See Extraterritoriality of Restrictive State Abortion Laws: States Can Abort Plans to Abort at Home but Not Abroad for a detailed discussion.) Does anyone think that this new conservative SCOTUS would not uphold a state which does pass such an onerous law? Only in America have we gone from abortions being legal, safe, and rare to illegal, dangerous, and no less rare.

Dumbass Democrats and progressives have lived the last forty-seven years practicing complete complacency regarding civil rights and personal liberties. I’m over it! I’m just over it! It’s all fun and games until half the population loses a fundamental human right, and then suddenly, it becomes a serious matter. Sadly, it’s too late. The irreparable harm has already come to pass. Elections have consequences — a lesson dumbass Democrats, liberals, progressives, and Independents will never, ever learn. Welcome to stupid America!