SCOTUS and the ACA: You Did This!

I am speculating here, for I have not read nor researched the ACA lawsuit that is about to come before the High Court because in my mind there is only one question — above and beyond the legal arguments and issues of jurisprudence — and that question is this: Are there one or two Justices really willing to tip the scales of justice to take away health care — outright — from tens of millions of citizens and take away affordable health care from a hundred million people with pre-existing conditions? Is a single person or two people really about to do this? Is he or she willing to return America to a pre-ACA world where insurance companies will place spending limits and lifetime spending caps on people’s lives? What Justice will declare a law unconstitutional that has such high approval among the people? Who wants to be that Justice? The answer would seem obvious, and one may be forgiven for holding out hope. I mean two conservative Justices actually found discrimination protections for the LGBTQ community in the workplace in the Civil Rights Act. Shockingly! But that was the old SCOTUS. Now we have a new SCOTUS. Not knowing the actual questions at law, my guess is the decision will hinge on the doctrine of severability. And let’s face it: If Justices truly wanted to preserve any given law then they would find the legal reasoning to justify their decisions to do so. Conservative Justices seem less committed to the application of a consistent legal philosophy as they are committed to arriving at a pre-determined outcome.

The short answer is hell f***ing yes! Make no mistake about it! The majority of the court desires to strike down the ACA in the middle of a pandemic nonetheless. Roberts is most certainly going to be a vote with the liberal wing, but that is no longer enough. Thomas and Alito are no votes because they have ruled as such on ACA cases before, which leaves the others as unknowns on this matter. Do not think for a second any one of these individuals would not be willing to condemn people to death by taking away health care and by allowing insurance companies to walk away from individuals’ treatments because it costs too much. I have no doubt that these Justices won’t care that people with pre-existing conditions can be barred from coverage or priced out of the market. As an aside, just wait until all these people who survived SARS 2 — even those who never had symptoms — develop all kinds of health issues in the future and insurance companies start denying them coverage because they had SARS 2. Since we don’t know the long-term prognosis of SARS 2 survivors, there could be an entire cohort of millions of people that insurance companies refuse to cover, claiming they have a pre-existing condition. Nobody knows what happens to survivors over the long term. What if this is a virus that lies dormant in the heart or brain or spinal cord for years before it manifests itself in a far more serious and deadly resurgence. We have no f***ing clue! What a disaster that will be.

I have no doubt! These immoral Justices will rest assured at night (and within their legal arguments) despite striking down the ACA, for they will argue that Congress is free to craft new, better legislation to replace that which SCOTUS voided. I’ve read such arguments in conservative opinions before — Congress can and should improve a law that SCOTUS finds unconstitutional. But, of course, Congress has the votes to tackle health care legislation again! Not! It is a non-starter given the dysfunctional state of Congress, but the Justices will already understand this, and they still won’t care. Just as Pontius Pilate condemned Jesus to death as he washed his hands, SCOTUS will do the same to tens of millions of people without blinking twice while at the same time telling Congress it’s their fault if they’re unable or unwilling to fix the law. Nevermind the track record of Congress having tried (and failed) countless times over the last ten years to strike down the ACA. In other words, the people elected politicians time and time again that have continued to uphold the law; the people have spoken through their representatives, and they believe Obamacare, on the whole, is just as they want it! Not to mention that SCOTUS has upheld the ACA twice previously. So, are Justices really willing to overturn the will of the people this time, with a third bite at the apple? Again, I say hell f***ing yes, without a doubt! Get ready for more chaos! This is the new America and people at worst love it or at best ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. America is the land of always going backward! We are an anti-progressive nation!

Yet, this is the country we deserve. This is the idiocracy for which Americans voted. This is what the people wanted, so now they’ve got it. This is the new world that dumbass Democrats, moronic voters, and an apathetic country has brought upon itself. America is the nation of unfocused, unconcerned, and unaware idiots that don’t pay attention until it’s too late. Then everyone looks around at each other wondering what the f*** happened? You happened! Just remember that you did this to yourself! You wanted traitor trump to shake things up! You thought traitor trump would run the country like a business where for some unknown reason you morons think the government is supposed to be run like a profiting enterprise. The government’s function is to govern, not make a f***ing profit, f***tards! No matter what RepubliKKKlan morons like to tell people, the skillsets for running a business and administrating a government of, for, and by the people are completely different; in fact, the mindsets are not only different, but they are incompatible! But whatever! I give up! You’re the one who thought a failed businessman and reality TV personality, who has no experience in government, would be capable of running the greatest democracy in the world. He’s running America right into the ground just like his other businesses. Un-f***ing-believable. I can’t anymore with the utter stupidity that conjures such “logic” to inform people to vote for traitor trump once and again. So, the next time you wonder why things are getting worse in America, look in the f***ing mirror! You did this! Good luck, f***tards! Welcome to trump stupid America! It’s the mirror, stupid! The stupid hurts and it’s turned deadly!