SCOTUS — Founding Fathers of Theocracy U.S.A.

There are several recent articles on SCOTUS worth commentary, all of which are perfect reminders that elections have consequences, but no one cares.

Solan writes, “But today, this bold pillar [speratation of church and state] of American democracy is rotting fast. It is under attack by theocrats, especially those who sit on our Supreme Court. Their recent ruling making it nearly illegal for a woman to get an abortion in Texas is the latest terrifying case in point. … [T]he problem isn’t religion, per se. Rather, it is the kind of religion at play. The kind that a majority of our Supreme Court embraces: a crusading, activist, theocratic religious fundamentalism that prioritizes fealty to a particular conservative interpretation of God’s supposed will over the democratically-sustained rights of American citizens. It’s the lethal mix of religion and politics that our founders sought to restrain. It’s Christian nationalism. … But when [judges] impose that faith on all of us, the wall of separation between church and state is truly undermined. Texans’ rights to bodily autonomy is but the most recent casualty. With this court, it won’t be the last.”

From Politico, “And while the chief justice hasn’t fully lost his hold on the court, what comes next is quickly coming into view. The post-Roberts Court is likely to be unfettered by legalistic norms and eager to advance changes to the law that both embed conservative policy goals and tilt the election system toward the GOP. It’s a combination that poses a real threat to American democracy.”

And then from The Hill, “The Supreme Court’s job approval has sunk to an all-time low, according to new polling taken after the court declined to block a deeply divisive Texas law banning most abortions. Only 37 percent of registered voters said they approve of the court’s handling of its job, with 50 percent expressing disapproval in a survey released Wednesday by Quinnipiac University, which has tracked the Supreme Court’s job approval since 2004.”

What does all this mean? The last pillar — the allegedly impartial pillar — of America’s democracy that literally has the final judgment on all things within the borders of the nation is just another branch — powerful beyond reproach — of the RepubliKKKlan Party, and, like the RepubliKKKlan Party, the vast majority of Americans distrust the venerable legal institution, but fear not — no one cares, least of all SCOTUS! Whatever! If I’ve said it once, then I’ve said it a thousand times: America died the day it elected traitor trump. Everything — everything — since that point stems from the cancer Americans brought upon themselves. SCOTUS is merely the metastasis that ensures the cancer cannot be treated, let alone cured. Elections have consequences, but people are too stupid to understand that, in particular, dumbass Democrats, who think elections only matter every four years when voting for president. So, America’s democracy will die to the applause of the minority, and then comes the rise of American theocracy to the disgust of the majority, but it will all be too late, and no one will care. Welcome to stupid America. Elections have consequences, and the consequences haven’t even begun to be fully realized (or imagined). Get ready, morons! Get ready!