SCOTUS Hates Black Voters

Did I get your attention? Of course, I only mean the conservative justices hate Black people, especially Justice Thomas, who is the conservatives’ token flaky biscuit maker — because you know he works in the house, right? And if he wants to stay in the house, then he needs to keep those field workers in their place. I’m just saying. But I digress. An article in Slate describes today’s SCOTUS decision on a voting rights case in Wisconsin. Before providing quotes and my commentary, allow me to advocate Slate for its legal analysis. They ably provide layman commentary on essential matters before SCOTUS. It is a good source for those seeking elucidation of heady legal topics.

From the article, “On Wednesday, the Supreme Court issued an astonishing decision throwing out Wisconsin’s new legislative districts as a violation of the Equal Protection Clause. The majority accused a Republican justice on the Wisconsin Supreme Court of greenlighting a ‘racial gerrymander’ by creating one more majority-Black district in the State Assembly. Wednesday’s unsigned decision, issued through the shadow docket, hands Wisconsin Republicans an unexpected victory in their quest to reduce Black representation in the legislature. It also alters the law of redistricting in fundamental yet cryptic ways that might, to a cynic, seem designed to disadvantage Democrats in every single case. … The real victims, of course, are Black Wisconsinites who will now have less influence in the state legislature. But once again, it is hard not to feel a bit of sympathy for the lower court judges, too. Hagedorn did his job commendably; he applied precedent fairly, to the dismay of his own party; and yet he still got brusquely reversed on the shadow docket in a nonsensical, unsigned opinion. It seems there is only one way a lower court can spare an election-related ruling from the SCOTUS shredder: bend any rules necessary to ensure a Republican victory.”

I quoted the first and last paragraphs because they sum up the issue well. It will help if you read the entire article to understand the problems with the SCOTUS opinion so that I won’t go into the specific points here. Suffice it to say, this Wisconsin case is yet another example of SCOTUS hellbent on giving RepubliKKKlans permanent political control, especially in swing states. It is somewhat ironic that the Court is so intent on ensuring race is not a factor in districting that they would deprive minorities of the opportunity to retain equitable protection under the law. Suddenly, the conservative justices are entirely color blind while allowing the white majority to suppress equal representation of minorities in Wisconsin.

What is the ultimate point I’m trying to make? Maybe this lawyer joke will enlighten my thinking. A man needs the answer to a problem: What is 2 + 2? First, he goes to a mathematician, who pulls out his calculator and replies, “The answer is 4.” Next, he goes to an accountant, who pulls out a spreadsheet and states, “The answer is 4.” Last, the man goes to a lawyer to ask, “What is 2 + 2?” The lawyer replies, “What do you want it to be?” The Supreme Court of the United States wants to suppress minority voting rights, so they will make any argument and rule in any way to ensure that it happens. It’s what they want it to be. When the conservative justices show you who they are, believe them. All I can do is keep screaming about the tectonic change that SCOTUS is about to unleash on America, hoping that people will finally wake the f*** up, but I sense people can’t be bothered. I will reiterate my prior iterations: SCOTUS is coming for your rights. Oh, well. You heard it hear first. Welcome to stupid America!