SCOTUS Is Lost, Idiot F***tards

From Rolling Stone, “Sotomayor said the administration has too quickly gone to the Supreme Court to appeal unfavorable decisions made by lower courts, and that by taking the cases, the Supreme Court is ‘putting a thumb on the scale in favor of’ the president.” It’s already too late, f***tards. Seriously! Did anyone expect anything else once Kavanaugh was confirmed? This is truly, truly a very stupid country to keep believing that the conservatives on the court serve anyone but the president and the powerful (i.e., big business, white people, men, heterosexuals). In part, I blame Obama and dumbass Democrats because they didn’t have the f***ing backbone to force through SCOTUS appointments while they had the chance. I don’t give one G.D. f*** if RBG wasn’t prepared to retire during Obama’s first two years. So what?!?! F*** that. He should have sat down with her and said: “Look, it’s time to go!” But no. And shame on her for staying. So, here we are. Traitor trump will win re-election. RBG will not survive his second term, and traitor trump will appoint another young, radical conservative justice. (And I don’t trust Justice Breyer to last either.) Mark my words, morons. We are so f***ed, and no one seems to care. As usual, I say f*** it! Morons in this country need to start losing their rights and freedoms before the f***tards realize what they have allowed to happen through their complacency and stupidity. Welcome to stupid America!