I listened to arguments before SCOTUS on the matter of Trump v. Anderson with one ear while working with the other. Needless to say, my attention was divided, but I got the gist of the dialogue, and coupled with post-event commentary from MSM talking heads, my suspicions have been confirmed: SCOTUS is not going to throw traitor trump off any state ballot, all the justices are in agreement, SCOTUS has rendered the 14th Amendment entirely moot, and, in so doing, they have sealed the doom of America’s democracy. I expected nothing less! Perhaps the only surprise is the swiftness — and indeed alacrity — with which the liberal justices appear to concede to traitor trump’s arguments that he should not be removed from the Colorado primary ballot. Their chief concern was the political harm that may ensue if states were allowed to remove traitor trump — or any political candidate — from a ballot. The liberal justices appeared to sympathize with traitor trump’s dilemma and the potential strife that may result from such “anti-democratic” action by one state (or many) that “disenfranchise” voters in other states if, for example, Colorado removes traitor trump from their ballot. In other words, voters in other states may not be able to vote for the perceived “winner” if a candidate is not on the ballot in every state. (I bet RFK Jr. has an opinion on this line of reasoning! But whatever! I live in stupid f***ing hell!) More succinctly, the justices ask, What right does a single state have to disenfranchise voters in other states? And why does or why should SCOTUS have a role in determining states’ ability to assess the eligibility of potential candidates as it pertains to the 14th Amendment? In other words, they’d rather not have to decide on states’ rights at all. As a blanket fix to avoid weighing into a state’s judgment, SCOTUS would seek to put the onus on determining eligibility based on the 14th Amendment solely in the hands of Congress. This is rich coming from a Court that meddled in the 2000 presidential election of a state by barring Flordia from finishing its recount, thereby handing (selecting) Bush II the presidency over Gore. Imagine all the voters across the country who were disenfranchised by five justices on SCOTUS in their Bush v. Gore ruling! And I didn’t hear any justice lament about traitor trump’s attempt on 6 January 2021 to disenfranchise 81,283,501 voters who elected Biden! (Irony is dead in America; hypocrisy rules the day in the era of traitor trump! Nothing matters anymore.) In short, SCOTUS is afraid of making a political decision on states’ rights, so no state should be able to decide for themselves. Funny how SCOTUS is all about states’ rights — until they’re not! Thus, traitor trump and every other insurrectionist will be entitled to run and win the presidency because I live in f***ing hell. Welcome to stupid America. The end is here, morons! Brought to you with help from the liberal justices on SCOTUS! No one cares! Mark my words, f***tards! Mark them well!