The only surprising thing about this move by SCOTUS is that they did not rule in traitor trump’s favor via the shadow docket. They have the votes to do it. I guess they want to enshrine the mootness of Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment by ruling on the “merits” (or lack thereof) of the so-called insurrectionist ban in the Constitution. As I have constantly said, the uber-conservative supermajority wing of justices on SCOTUS already has the end result in mind; they just need to find the legal reasoning and arguments that will get them there, which, no doubt, requires ignoring the language of the Constitution. To be sure, this SCOTUS does not care about the Constitution; all they want is to convert our democracy into a theocracy, led by an autocrat. And, I fear, with this seminal case, the liberal justices will sacrifice their principles to join the other six justices because, no matter what, this opinion needs to be unanimous. I promise you this will be the case. By a vote of 9-0, SCOTUS will keep traitor trump on the ballot in every state, sealing the doom of our democracy and forever signaling that anyone — including those who wish to destroy the government — can run for president because why the f*** not? This is what a dying, stupid country looks like! Mark my words, f***tards. Mark them well. America is doomed, and SCOTUS will crown its demise by making traitor trump the country’s first dictator! This is similar to how the Roman Republic became the Roman Empire. Oh, well. Welcome to stupid America!