SCOTUS Stuns Me!

According to CNN, “The Supreme Court cleared the way Wednesday for the release of presidential records from the Trump White House to a congressional committee investigating the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol. The court’s order means that more than 700 documents will be transferred to Congress that could shed light on the events leading up to the insurrection when hundreds of rioters converged on the Capitol attempting to stop certification of the 2020 presidential election results.” Many legal experts predicted this outcome, but being the contrarian that I am — and basically the reason for the existence of this blog — I was skeptical. (And always being the contrarian means I’ll be wrong half the time.) Indeed, I thought the Court would take up the case and drag it out, ultimately finding some sort of unknown hitherto presidential privilege that shields traitor trump from having to disclose documentation behind his treasonous actions, but quite the opposite happened today. They dispatched traitor trump’s request soundly, by 8-1. Now, I swear to f***ing God the archivist better have had his or her finger hovering over the send key waiting for the very second that SCOTUS made a decision. Or those banker boxes of material better be on a truck rolling to Congress as I write. The committee must not be allowed to wait one more hour. Deliver those documents post haste!