‘Send Her Back!’: This Is the Essence America

A CNN headline reads: “‘Send her back!’ chant shows Trump’s ugly plan to get reelected.” I seriously don’t understand when the f***tard dumbass Democrats are going to fully realize what they are up against as they lose the 2020 election. This is America! F*** me! If I have to hear one more f***ing time how progressives keep declaring that traitor trump does not represent America I’m going to f***ing scream. Hello f***ing G.D. moronic Democrats! This country is just as racist and hateful as traitor trump evinces! If you give the people the chance and environment to be who they really are then this is what you get. Wake the f*** up! If dumbass Democrats can’t even understand this fundamental defect of the nation then how are they going to ever hope to win the Senate and the presidency? Once again they are expecting Americans to be better than their nature truly is. Un-f***ing-believable. The vile and ugly (RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons) will always outvote the meek and hopeful! Hello, f***ing morons! It got him elected the first time! And now there is fear that those “Christians” and other conservatives that did not vote for him in 2016 will hold their nose and vote for him in 2020, which means it is possible that his base could actually grow! I don’t know how many f***ing times I have to say it: get ready for another four years of traitor trump. I don’t f***ing care what the polls say; there is always going to be 5-7 percentage points of those who are perfectly willing to vote for traitor trump but deny it! Am I the only f***ing person on this Earth that sees this as plain as day? I mean WTF! It is so f***ing obvious! In case idiots have not noticed but traitor trump’s Nuremberg rallies are getting larger. Look at the crowds in the venues. Where the upper sections of seating used to be empty or sparsely populated now they are just as full as the main floor — and it’s not because the venues are getting smaller! Mark my words, f***tards! We get the government we deserve and we deserve stupid because the country is full of it! Welcome to trump stupid America! Dumbest country on the planet populated by even dumber voters!