
Serving Up Traitor [T]rump

Reporting from CNN, “The F.B.I. executed a search warrant on Monday at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, as part of an investigation into the handling of presidential documents, including classified documents, that may have been brought to Florida, three people familiar with the situation say.” Well, I guess A.G. Garland is actually doing something after all. Between Democrats’ recent spat of achievements and this F.B.I. raid on traitor trump’s homestead, I may have to change my thinking on political matters. I’ve been a constant nay-sayer when it comes to prosecuting a former president and being served a warrant is still a long way from an indictment. That being said, in the spectrum of crimes committed by traitor trump, this is akin to a disgruntled employee getting caught stealing trade secrets on their way out the door. Is this a crime to destroy traitor trump? Meh. Probably not so much. But I can now guarantee one thing: Traitor trump’s announcement to run for president is now imminent. And this will be a call to arms for his die-hard followers. The civil war is here and I say bring it! It is time! And it’s better to have the war while Democrats control the military. RepubliKKKlans will always defend and protect their crook because this is stupid America. Welcome!