Shot in the Ass

From a CNN article, “‘I grew up in an [anti-vaccination] household, my mom didn’t believe that vaccines were beneficial to the health and safety of society, and believes that they cause autism, brain damage and other complications. This has been largely debunked by the scientific community,’ Lindenberger said in a YouTube video on Saturday. … My parents think vaccines are some kind of government scheme.” Of course, there is the implicit notion that vaccines are some sort of government conspiracy. Parents like this need to be gathered up and sent to some remote island to live out their delusional lives. It’s classic conspiracies for morons, right up there with chemtrails. I’m sorry, but this country cannot afford to allow such profound stupidity to exist within our borders. You want to talk about the dangers of undocumented immigrants; we should be more concerned about deporting American morons. Sadly, conservative thought in America encourages people to be stupid–don’t listen to the government, do what you want with little regard to society, think “me, me, me” vs “we, we, we.” Welcome to stupid America, where life and death decisions are based on personal “belief” or emotion rather than long-established science because this is the land of idiots and science is too hard to understand!