‘ . . . ’ (Silence)

Nowhere have I found in my usual range of news sources any mention of the co-opting of the daily traitor trump SARS 2 Scheiße-show to ramp up the “war on drugs” on 01 April 2020. This is why I hate the MSM because they just fall for it every f***ing time. Un-f***ing-believable. Whatever! I give up! Seriously! It’s just all stupid all the f***ing time. The media should be calling out traitor trump. In short, the Idiot-in-Chief is using the SARS 2 crisis to parade useless right-wing policy that has nothing to do with stemming the pandemic at home. This is just a way to get his racist campaigning message out. Brown people! Wall! Brown terrorists! Drugs! More dirty, brown people! The border! Stop the brown unwashed masses! Oh, and the virus for whatever it’s worth. Welcome to stupid America. Apparently not enough MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil Evangelicals have died from SARS 2 yet.