Smartest Man in Democratic Politics

James Carville is brilliant and absolutely correct. If ending Roe cannot motivate Democrats, then nothing will and nothing can be done for these people (and the country). Guess what? He wasn’t sure this matter would be enough, and I’m here to tell you that it won’t be enough! People just don’t care, and even if they did care, they don’t care enough to do something about women’s rights, i.e., vote. I’m only saying this to prepare America for a significant letdown come November. It is not enough to march in the streets, picket before SCOTUS, and rage against the machine. People must vote, and as it stands now, with RepubliKKKlans ever more entrenched in greater than half the states, normal voter turnout would certainly be insufficient. Indeed, a higher-than-average turnout would still be lacking. Perhaps an exceedingly high Democratic turnout might achieve the necessary results, but that is akin to winning the lottery. Moreover, RepubliKKKlans have rigged the system in their favor by putting election deniers in charge of conducting and counting election results. To be sure, people gabble with their rights when they fail to vote, and Americans have been losing for many years. They’re about to lose their houses! Welcome to stupid America!