Smash-and-Grab Crime

These smash-and-grab crime sprees are not mere larceny! People should understand this is not simple theft or some crime committed for the thrill of it. No! This is a form of terrorizing the public, who now have to worry about going to the mall. So, do not be duped into thinking these people are just stealing “things.” They are stealing our sense of security. These are violent crimes. Not violence against our physical bodies, but violence against the body of our society. As such, these offenders should really be charged with capital offenses. Seriously, lock them up and throw away the key. I don’t care how young the criminals are. This is one strike, and you’re out! And this is not me turning conservative or being unsympathetic (well, maybe a bit unsympathetic); it’s me just being over it and being sick of people acting like they don’t live within a larger society. Consequently, these criminals need to be removed from civilization — permanently! Let’s save the topic of police reform for another day.