So, Terry McAuliffe (and Democrats) Are Screwed

Very recent polls have McAuliffe and Youngkin either deadlocked or too close with less than a week before election day. Earlier this summer McAuliffe had a seven-point lead. Not to mention this was a state Biden won by 10 points and now his job approval is underwater. Clearly, momentum favors RepubliKKKlans — unbelievably. And I put more stock in momentum (the “mighty mo”) than in any other political measure because it energizes the ascending faction and demoralizes the descending faction. But maybe this momentum is less so unbelievable when viewed through the prism of a supremely stupid America. Then everything makes sense. Then, of course, dumbass Democrats are f***ing up what should be an easy win. Then, naturally, voters really do want traitor trump’s return to the White House — or people just don’t care. It is not hyperbolic for me to place such import on this gubernatorial election three years out from the next presidential election, for this real-time assessment of the Biden administration could easily be the mighty mo needed to place RepubliKKKlans and traitor trump on a path to recapture all branches of government in 2024. To be sure, a great deal can happen in three years, but we must consider this election sequentially and at the beginning of a set of cascading (not mutually exclusive) events. A RepubliKKKlan win in Virginia energizes the crazies, and that energy propels the midterm elections, which then energizes RepubliKKKlans in the next presidential election. All the while, Democrats grow more pessimistic and feckless. Like I’ve said countless times before, RepubliKKKlans are always enraged to vote about something; it’s just a matter of what level of rage they’re at — 11 or 100. On the other hand, dumbass Democrats are generally at a rage level of 0 to 3 and maybe up to 10 when traitor trump is on the ticket. Other than that, Democrats seem perfectly content to let RepubliKKKlans kill democracy. How many times must I tell dumbass Democrats? They need two or three issues that permanently — election in, election out; all the time, every day — enrage the Democratic base to match that of RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, QAnon, and evil evangelicals!

All that being said, I think McAuliffe is going to lose, and I was convinced of that, even more so, when I looked up his job approval during the last year on the job; it was 48% approval and 31% disapproval. Ugh. So, his current polling numbers are basically reflecting his ceiling from where he was four years ago. Fan-f***ing-tastic! It is not difficult to imagine that Independents, who will decide the election, could easily give Youngkin a shot at governing. That seems to be a pretty common and mindless “analysis” by many voters — let the other guy try it. Kill me now! Witness traitor trump’s 2016 win! Then there are the topics of the culture wars and inflation (the economy, stupid). As usual, RepubliKKKlans are exploiting outrage over fake issues like CRT in the classroom as evinced by the violence and stupidity at local school board meetings. And that’s all it takes. Remember, Americans are f***ing morons. They believe everything, especially baseless narratives and conspiracy theories. And, of course, snowflakes hate the truth, namely that America is a racist country (and all the other -ists that go with it). God forbid they should have to look in the mirror and remind themselves they love the traitor trump reflection after all! We see them for who they are.

And as for the economy, unfortunately, the people most impacted by — and vote based on — the complexities of the economy are those least capable of understanding it. So, the morons of America who are most affected by inflation are those least qualified to make judgments about or understand the causes of such economic vicissitudes. As a consequence, fairly or not, Biden and Democrats get the blame for the current inflationary period. The extent of economic theory comprehended by the average idiot goes no deeper than one spouting out “supply and demand!” While a bedrock concept of economics, people generally have no clue what they mean when they say such things. Morons probably don’t even realize they’re talking about how a supply curve intersects a demand curve, let alone which line generally slopes up and which slopes down and what the intersection of the lines represents — an equilibrium. No, they just say “supply and demand” imagining they are now economists! Moreover, most people can’t even properly explain what is inflation. People might say higher prices. Well, yeah. Congratulations you’ve defined the word with a version of the same word. Classic stupidity! Here is a learning moment for the future: Inflation means too many dollars chasing too few products. How and why there are too few products and too much money is the real key to understanding the economic phenomenon. But I digress. The point is this: There are many factors contributing to inflation — many of which are exogenous to America. Supply chain disruptions are a chief contributor. Yet, American morons seem more than confident in their economic “expertise” to wrongly blame Biden. More often than not, peoples’ experience is not caused by what they believe to be the impetus. In other words, people wrongly connect cause and effect; correlation is not causation! People still think traitor trump was a great businessman and the economy performs better under RepubliKKKlans compared to Democrats — both of which are demonstrably wrong! And don’t get me started on the fact that anti-vaxxers are part of the drag on the economy, which is definitely not Biden’s fault but every RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron — the very same who are about to elect Youngkin as Virginia’s next governor. But whatever! I give up! Nonetheless, Carville has never been wrong when he’s asserted “the economy, stupid” as a primary political driver. I guess I never really understood until now that he may have meant it’s the stupid people who ultimately misjudge the causes and effects of the American economy where somehow RepubliKKKlans get the praise for a booming economy that isn’t and Democrats get blamed for a not booming economy that is. Welcome to stupid America where most people don’t understand the truly important stuff!