SOB: This Is the Biden I Like!

Attribution: New York Post

From The Hill, “President Biden was caught on a hot microphone Monday calling Fox News reporter Peter Doocy a ‘stupid son of a bitch’ after he asked a question about inflation.” This is the Biden I like to see and I know it is the Biden more Democrats want to see as well. I know he has a reputation for being salty and cutting behind closed doors, but his kumbaya/”can we all just get along”/folksy public persona drives me absolutely f***ing nuts because he comes off as weak and naive when he plays grandpa to the nation. F*** that! Tell morons they’re stupid. Call out a**holes for who they are. Hit back, Biden. We like it! Since we can’t constantly be holding a mirror up to Biden’s nose, moments like this convince us that he has some life in him! And I don’t think this was a “hot mic” (unintentional) moment. Although, I’m not sure why he called to apologize. Probably because of what happened below with CNN.

Then, naturally, we have the MSM reaction to Biden just after it happened. CNN, in particular, jumped all over this episode as if there had been this great indignation against the media. Oh, my! Biden called a spade a spade. How dare he! How dare he get frustrated at what was yet another stupid “gotcha” question from Faux News, as if traitor trump had not spent every day of this term attacking the MSM. God forbid Biden steps out of line once. Then it becomes a national catastrophe — an attack by the executive branch on the fourth branch. So, f***ing ridiculous. Mika Brzezinski — I still haven’t forgiven her for her treatment of Hillary — actually got the coverage spot on. At the beginning of Morning Joe they played the Biden clip and then she said that is all they’re going to say on the matter and moved on. Exactly! It may have been news but it was not newsworthy.