Sorry, Garland! I Don’t Believe You!

There are a couple of news stories here. First, according to The Guardian, “The US attorney general, Merrick Garland, said he would ‘pursue justice without fear or favor’ in his decision on whether to charge Donald Trump with crimes related to the Capitol attack and his attempt to overturn the 2020 election, as news reports indicate the justice department’s investigation is heating up.” Suddenly, A.G. Garland has become more frequently vocal and assertive about his claims he will follow the law and investigate the events surrounding the January 6th attack on the Capitol — at all levels — where ever it leads. This is nothing new and consistent with what he has been saying for months. What is new is that he seems to be bending over backward to say what he’s already said repeatedly. And I understand why: He’s feeling pressure from the public and Congress to show that he’s doing something.

That’s where the second news item comes into play. From The New York Times, “Federal prosecutors have directly asked witnesses in recent days about former President Donald J. Trump’s involvement in efforts to reverse his election loss, a person familiar with the testimony said on Tuesday, suggesting that the Justice Department’s criminal investigation has moved into a more aggressive and politically fraught phase.” To be clear, this is not an investigation into traitor trump himself; this is more or less his name coming up on questioning as it relates to those surrounding him. So, this news story is far less significant than what the MSM would like to have you believe for this simple reason: Garland will never charge traitor trump. I don’t know how many f***ing times I have to keep saying it. Indeed, Garland may do everything except charge the traitor. He may authorize an investigation into the former president specifically. He may collect all the incriminating evidence to bring charges successfully. Still, when push comes to shove, when the moment to decide to charge a former president with crimes against the nation, and when Garland has to make the final decision, I promise you he will decline to prosecute because he does not want the D.O.J. to be seen as being political even though that boat has already sailed. Garland does not have the fortitude to pursue traitor trump. He would rather see the degeneration of America in order to preserve the tarnished reputation of the Department of Justice. Welcome to stupid. It ain’t never going to happen. It’s the First Axiom, stupid!