
Sounding the Alarm to Help Traitor [T]rump

According to NBC News, “Russia is developing a space-based nuclear weapon designed to target U.S. satellites, according to three sources familiar with the matter. The weapon isn’t yet operational, the sources told NBC News, but Moscow’s pursuit of an advanced weapon that could jeopardize America’s vital satellite network has raised concern among U.S. officials, and it prompted the chair of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Mike Turner, to issue an extraordinary statement earlier Wednesday calling on the White House to declassify information about an unnamed ‘serious national security threat.’”

Because I don’t trust any RepubliKKKlan and because all of them, without question, are in the pocket of traitor trump, I have to ask myself why this urgent warning from a RepubliKKKlan now? What’s this guy’s angle? (Certainly, his hair-on-fire exclamation was not done with America’s security interests in mind since every RepubliKKKlan seeks to destroy our nation from within. Not to mention Turner may have tipped off Putin about America’s intelligence sources inside Russia. I take it that Russia is not advertising its secret programs on state media.) So, cui bono? The cynic in me did not have to muse long to arrive at the answer: To help traitor trump win the presidency in November. Here is my reasoning. A RepubliKKKlan sycophant gins up fear and suspicion by demanding the White House declassify intelligence information — that we now understand to be Russia’s impending nuclear capabilities in space — to the public, thereby turning Russia into the boogeyman that we must all worry about, apprehending America’s end by atomic annihilation. Then traitor trump swoops in to declare that he can eliminate the Russian threat not by standing up to Putin but by befriending him! I can hear it now: “Russia will never attack America while I’m president because Putin is my friend. He’s America’s friend.” And this sh*t-for-brains country will believe him and eat it up as Americans take another step toward turning our back on our (soon-to-be former) allies, cozying up to Axis nations, and abandoning democracy here and abroad. Mark my words! This is what a dying country looks like. Americans don’t want a democracy anymore. Welcome to stupid America!