South Africa Welcomes Putin

From CNN, “South Africa has issued diplomatic immunity to all officials attending a summit in August, meaning Russian President Vladimir Putin might be able to travel to the country despite an International Criminal Court (ICC) warrant for his arrest. South African officials, which announced the controversial decision on Monday in a government gazette notice, insisted that it may not override the ICC arrest warrant. As a signatory to the ICC, South Africa may be legally obligated to arrest Putin. The court issued a warrant for his arrest in March over the alleged deportation of children from Ukraine to Russia.”

Don’t you get the feeling that some African states should have never been de-colonized? This is what you get went Western democratic nations are pushed out of countries they once colonized: Those countries cozy up to authoritarians like Putin and Xi, who are enemies of liberal democracy. This is the whole reason civilized countries colonized uncivilized populations. Instead of liberal nations establishing their laws and values in formerly occupied lands, now we have countries like Russia and China rushing in to strip the wealth of said countries while impoverishing their society. Oh, well. The grass is always greener on the other side — apparently.