Starting to Dislike the Biden Administration

According to CNN, “The decision of the new attorney general, Merrick Garland, to appeal portions of Judge Jackson’s ruling is a mistake, and marks a missed opportunity to break cleanly from the fundamental dishonesty that defined Barr’s term in office. … Garland landed in a difficult position. Every new attorney general inherits messes from the prior administration, and this is an ugly one. And DOJ as an institution tends to be protective of its internal, deliberative processes. But, by appealing, Garland is inherently going to bat for the prior administration, or at least failing to draw a clear line in the sand. A decision by Garland not to appeal would have meant Americans could finally see an unredacted version of the memo reviewing Mueller’s report. Perhaps more importantly, it would have sent a powerful message: that the new Justice Department intends to do things differently.” So! What else is new? Did anyone really think that the prior administration would ever be held accountable? Of course, not! Never! It never f***ing fails! Dumbass Democrats come into office having to clean up the RepubliKKKlan mess left behind after four years of mismanagement, and now it seems Democrats are also protecting the illegal behavior of said prior RepubliKKKlan administration.

At this point, f*** Biden! Seriously! Just f*** him. He’s as weak as I feared he would be. Biden’s attempt to save America (from itself, apparently) is not merely avoiding repeating the illegal behaviors of the previous administration, but, rather, it is about holding traitor trump and his corrupt enablers accountable. Biden claims that he wants to rebuild the “wall” separating the White House from the DOJ in order to restore the faith and impartiality of the department. Blah, blah, blah! Whaaaateeeever! Serious?!?! If he wants to restore America’s faith in the DOJ, then Biden should be unleashing the department to seek out justice by prosecuting all illegal activity that occurred during the traitor trump administration. No RepubliKKKlan should be safe. Full! F***ing! Stop! Of course, that will never happen. Bush II was never held accountable for his illegal Iraq war and associated war crimes; Obama looked the other way and “moved on.” And now we have Biden looking away and eager to “move on” from traitor trump. Whatever! I give up with this f***ing sh*t-for-brains country! If no one is ever held accountable for obstruction of justice, then RepubliKKKlans will certainly just do it again, with impunity, when they return to power. And I submit Attorney General Garland is obstructing — if not delaying and thus denying — justice by appealing the judge’s decision. How f***ing difficult is it to just release the m*****f***ing G.D. memo as ordered by a federal judge who has already reasoned and determined it necessary to make it completely public? How f***ing hard? Oh, but no! The obstruction and cover-up continue! I would have thought that one of the first actions of Garland in office is to read the entire Mueller report and Barr’s “exoneration” memo and charge traitor trump (and Barr) for obstruction of justice. But, instead, we get silence and what seems like the early attempt to continue the cover-up of traitor trump’s illegal actions. So, as usual, and as I have always said, nothing is going to happen to traitor trump, except perhaps getting re-elected. (And don’t get me started about the New York special grand jury convened to look into the traitor [T]rump Organization. I’ll have more to say about that fool’s gold in a later post.) We deserve immediate transparency, but we’ll never see the truth. Mark my words, f***tards!

Nothing ever changes! As I have said countless, countless times, dumbass Democrats are weak and feckless, and RepubliKKKlans are going to walk all over them in the next election. In fact, RepubliKKKlans are walking all over Democrats now by obstructing Biden’s agenda, and Democrats let them as they wait, hope, pray, implore, and “strongly” urge RepubliKKKlans to cooperate. Ugh! F*** me! I can’t anymore. I just f***ing can’t! I expected nothing less! This is why America’s democracy is dying, facilitated by RepubliKKKlans and ignored by Democrats! Welcome to stupid America!