Stock Market Performance by Party

A CNN headline reads, “From Reagan to Trump: Here’s how stocks performed under each president.” Facts matter! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the stock market does better under Democrats vs RepubliKKKlans, but trump stupid Americans seem to always believe just the opposite. It is unbelievably frustrating and infuriating to constantly hear how the RepubliKKKlan party is the party of fiscal responsibility and for growing the economy when history — actual lived history — proves just the opposite. Yes, I know that the stock market is not the economy, but it is a pretty f***ing good lagging proxy measure of it, which means when the market is up then the economy has already been doing well.

How does one deal with a level of stupidity in the country that cannot (will not) believe their own f***ing eyes? People do better under Democrats. Full stop. No qualification needed. Yet, RepubliKKKlan politicians stand up in front of the country preaching how much better they are for business, the economy, workers, debt, the national deficit, and so forth, and the majority of f***tards in the country believe them and vote for them. Un-f***ing-believable! I just can’t deal with stupid America anymore! There is just so much f***ing stupidity everywhere! Everywhere morons who vote for RepubliKKKlans. If one truly wants to understand the increasing economic equality gap in America then follow the rise and fall of unions — those derided institutions — at the hands of RepubliKKKlans, which they have successfully weakened over the last 40 years and which just so happens to coincide with decades of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. Welcome to stupid America!