
Stock Market Plunge

I am pissed! I’m pissed at myself for deferring to the “wisdom” of the stock market last month. I even conceded that I was wrong when Dictator Don delayed his tariffs 30 days ago. At the time, the market hardly flinched at his threats, perhaps sensing he was bluffing. So, I admitted that I was wrong then. Apparently, I missed something, but I was still steadfast that these tariffs would eventually take place. I guess I was crying wolf too early. But guess what? Tariffs are here, just as I was warning from the very beginning. I was the only one who took The Don! seriously. No one believed me, especially the stock market, until today, that is. I’ve been warning since his inauguration that, unlike his first term, he means what he says and he says what he means. In other words, all the sh*t he wants to inflict on the country, he’s going to do with a sh*tty grimace. And no one will stop him! Not a single f***ing person!

Why is it that everyone — absolutely every f***ing person! — still fails to understand The Don! except me. Everywhere I turn — MSM, talk radio, podcasts — I constantly hear opinions and reporting along the lines of Dictator Don is using the threat of tariffs as a negotiating tactic or he’s a master businessman or he’s implementing tariffs to curb immigration and fentanyl or you name it. Whatever the excuse, it’s usually giving him the benefit of the doubt that The Don! knows what he’s doing. And that is always their first mistake. They all tow the Dictator Don talking points. Always! Always! Always! They always think the idiot-in-chief knows what he’s doing despite his decades-old track record evincing that he generally has no clue what he’s doing. This guy is the epitome of failing upward. How very American of him! Truly, his only real success that can rightly be credited to him is his political comeback, which could only have been achieved by bamboozling a supremely stupid, stupid electorate! The MAGA moron Pied Piper descended upon a nation of f***tards and enchanted them right out of their democracy and prosperity! What a joke America has become.

But I digress, back to my point. I get Dictator Don. He is an easy simpleton to apprehend. His mental capacity is an inch wide and an inch deep. He is an unthinking character, motivated purely by reflexive emotions with little forethought and absolutely no regard for consequences to the nation at large. He launched a trade war for the pure pleasure of the war itself. Full stop! Nothing more, nothing less. This is The Don! flexing his might to show our allies — our allies of f*** sake — that he can and will bully them. There are no concessions Mexico and Canada could have made to avoid these tariffs. It was always his plan to implement this Dictator Don tax on the American people, and the only reason he delayed them for 30 days is because he did not have his “economic” team — more like a team of prosperity wreckers — in place to effectuate said tariffs. I understood this from the beginning, yet the “smart” money is still stuck in la la land, thinking that Dictator Don is some “genius” negotiator. Chirst-on-the-m*****f***ing-Cross. Only in stupid America!

Dictator Don is what this sh*t-for-brains country voted for — incomprehensibly. So, congratulations, f***tards of America! You did this to yourself. F***! I live in stupid hell! Welcome to trump stupid America! Be careful what you wish for; you just might get it, f***tards! This is what a dying country looks like! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯