Stock Rally on Russian War!

This headline says it all, “Dow logs best day in over a year to end volatile week as angst over Russia’s Ukraine invasion gives way to buying.” One can see from the graph above the before and after market moves of the most prominent indices — Dow, Nasdaq, and S&P 500. That sharp drop is the beginning of the Russian war on Ukraine. Two days later Americans could not be happier with the crisis! Un-f***ing-believable! The smart money has judged the war and concluded: Eh, whatever! It never f***ing fails. Americans, in their insatiable need to buy and ignore the rest of the world, fail to understand the significance of what Russia is doing to Ukraine and democracy. So, they carry on as if it’s just another day. Granted, the vast majority of Americans do not trade stocks, but the majority own stocks. And their stock ownership is, nonetheless, a pretty good proxy for the mood of the nation. When their investments are up then they are sanguine and oblivious. When their investments are down then they’re wondering how long until Ukraine surrenders! This is why America is doomed! Authoritarianism is welcome on our shores as long as the stock market is up and it does not interfere with American’s Facebook and Twitter time. Welcome to stupid America! Eh!