
Student Athletes Must Submit Menstrual History

According to the Miami Herald, “A proposed draft of a physical education form in Florida could require all high school student athletes to disclose information regarding their menstrual history — a move that’s already drawing pushback from opponents who say the measure would harm students. ‘This is clearly an effort to further stigmatize and demonize transgender people in sports [and] meant to further exclude people who aren’t assigned female at birth in girls sports,’ said Maxx Fenning, president of PRISM, a South Florida nonprofit organization that provides sexual health information to LGBTQ+ youth. ‘Beyond that, I think there’s concern among LGBTQ+ and non-LGBTQ+ [students] alike. This is an extremely invasive mode of gleaning into someone’s reproductive history, which is especially dangerous in this post-Roe world we live in.’”

So much for small government! Whatever! Moreover, just to demonstrate the typical Flori-DUH man, “Juan Alvarez, though, whose daughter Annelise plays volleyball at St. Brendan School in Miami, has no issue with revealing those details should the policy become mandatory. Alvarez acknowledged they haven’t divulged such information in the past, he said. ‘I’m OK with that,’ he told the Herald Thursday. ‘To me, that’s not a big deal. If only the doctors or the school or the FHSAA know, then that’s fine.’” Typical machismo attitude without any regard to what his daughter may think of the policy, but he’s ok with it.

This is what people voted for. This is why they elected DeSantis. What possible value is there in knowing a girl’s menstrual history? None! But this is what a dying country looks like. This is what a dying democracy looks like — government in your bedroom and in your p*ssy. America does not have much longer to endure at this rate. Either civil war is coming to restore sanity, or the entire country will submit to theocratic, RepubliKKKlan authoritarian rule. There is no in-between. It’s one or the other. Welcome to stupid America!