Stupid America Has No Memory

From CNN, “Five months into the worst domestic crisis since World War II, and after his disastrous call to open up states that had not yet purged the disease sparked a surge of infections, the President may finally be understanding that his performance during the pandemic will be decisive in November’s election. But his recent comments and the actions of his government also indicate a mostly cosmetic public relations attempt to convince the public he’s in charge rather than a complete rethink of strategy as the virus rages out of control.” I think Stephen Collinson has it exactly correct when he says “mostly cosmetic public relations attempt,” and this is exactly what I fear will work. Face it! Americans are stupid and worse still they have absolutely no memory! Instead of the nearly four years of traitor trump’s disastrous decision-making informing people’s opinion of the Idiot-in-Chief, it’s always just the most recent shiny object he dangles in front of the public that persuades them otherwise. After five months of bungling the pandemic response — from ignoring it, downplaying it, lying about it to making a political wedge issue over it — one would think no matter what he does at this point people should give him absolutely no credit for any improvement or his fake concern about the pandemic. He’ll try — once again — this “rally around the flag” tactic as he draws attention to himself as he proclaims “only he can fix it,” and wearing a mask is “patriotic” now. Yet, people will blindly believe him. Mark my words, idiots. I have no doubt that MAGA morons will quickly drop their FREEDOM! argument against wearing masks, changing it to a PATRIOTISM! argument for wearing masks. Because Americans are just f***ing G.D. stupid and whatever the Dear Leader says is what they will “think” and believe. Simpleton think for a simple people!

As SARS 2 continues to rage out of control, traitor trump’s overall job approval rating refuses to break through the 40 percent floor. In other words, America is on fire and no matter what 40 percent of people still love him. Of course, more bizarrely is the specific datum point that about 35 percent approve of his handling of the pandemic, which is unbelievable that it’s not zero. His only job right now is the pandemic, but for some incoherent reason, his overall job approval is much higher than his handling of SARS 2. Incomprehensible! Whatever! I give up trying to understand stupid America!

So, I can’t wait for him to restart his daily “press briefings” (aka televised campaign rallies) and CNN, in particular, will naturally and dutifully air them without reservation as traitor trump communicates one lie after another and veers off-topic to slam Biden and Democrats; and, no doubt, he will get impressive ratings because of stupid America and stupid America will think he’s actually doing something about SARS 2. Moreover, his job approval will get a bump because — again — stupid America has no memory and they like the show! One does not get a re-do with this pandemic, but welcome to trump stupid America where people just love to be lied to and will believe anything and forgive anything!