Stupid America Is Lost: Just Face It!

If I have to hear one more f***ing time that this moment in history is different, then I am going f***ing postal! Hello, morons of f***ing G.D. trump stupid America! So, progressives are sure that this time is different. Is it really, though? Let’s review some of the other moments in history that were supposed to be “different.”

Sandy Hook was supposed to be different to get comprehensive national gun control reform, finally! Hmmm. Still waiting. Occupy Wall Street was supposed to be different in addressing social-economic inequality — and that moment lasted for months yet nothing’s changed! The Million Women March protests against traitor trump were supposed to be different! That movement lost its potency after the first year when traitor trump was actually polling at his lowest approval ratings. So, when people hated traitor trump the most even that fervor to march waned. Go figure! Fight for $15 was supposed to be different in advancing pay inequality for the working poor — the national minimum wage still has not changed in over a decade. One may argue that every other incident of a black person murdered at the hands (or knee) of a cop or white nationalist was supposed to be the last straw that made the difference. Indeed, one may go further back in time to the Civil Rights Movement protests in the 1960s. Sadly — very sadly — Americans have demonstrated a 50-year continuous span of things being “different” only to arrive exactly where we began: nothing changes!

I could point out actual changes. Actual differences. Marriage equality comes to mind. Congratu-f***ing-lations to the LGBTQ community for a landmark SCOTUS decision that granted marriage equality. Congratulations that one socially progressive Justice, who is otherwise conservative, was the swing vote to bring about that difference. Congratulations to that one conservative Justice and all of his future opinions to protect the LGBTQ community. I look forward to his continued work. Oh, wait! That Justice retired; he’s been replaced by a more conservative RepubliKKKlan Justice. Furthermore, it’s still perfectly legal in nearly half of the states for a gay couple to get married on Sunday and fired on Monday because they got married; they were fired for doing something perfectly legal. Nope! No, paradox there. Despite the one legal ruling mandating marriage equality, there is still no federal law enshrining marriage equality and, more importantly, no protections for the LGBTQ community from discrimination more generally. While Obergefell v. Hodges is the one step forward, get ready for the rollbacks. Mark my words! Within just a couple of weeks, get ready for SCOTUS to rule against the LGBTQ community in a case that challenges the scope of Title VII protections for the gays.

We are a one-step forward, three-steps back nation! It never f***ing fails, and we are full-on in the third step back phase! Case in point: the Obama presidency! God-f***ing-forbid a black man got elected, twice. Time to erase that national mistake with traitor trump! Trust me! That is the number one driving force behind traitor trump’s election in the first place and nothing has changed in the last 4 years except a white nationalist RepubliKKKlan party and MAGA voters more committed than ever to re-elect the Idiot-in-Chief! Mark my words, morons. The true nature of the politically powerful and racist underbelly of America is alive and well; they will steal this election because that’s what they do and dumbass Democrats will let them because we refuse to be ruthless! Welcome to trump stupid America!