
Stupid America: Wants Traitor [T]rump Back

According to The Hill, “Former President Trump leads President Biden and Vice President Harris in hypothetical 2024 presidential match-ups, according to a new Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey released exclusively to The Hill on Monday. The poll found that if the 2024 election were held today, 45 percent of voters would vote for Trump in a race against Biden, who attracted the support of 41 percent of respondents, while 14 percent were unsure or didn’t know.” By my count, this is at least the fifth poll whereby traitor trump bests Biden. Actually, this particular poll is an online survey without a M.O.E., so I don’t rate it as being particularly statistically meaningful. Nonetheless, the poll reinforces the same trend indicated in many other polls: People want traitor trump back to finish destroying America!

Look, f***tards. There is really not much more for me to comment regarding such polls. America is too stupid to survive, and the citizens prove it daily. Given everything this nation of morons has witnessed during and since traitor trump’s presidency, they want him back. I can’t anymore. I just f***ing can’t deal with the stupid. It hurts. Mark my words, f***tards. America is about to roll out the red carpet for traitor trump again because Americans are too stupid to know any better. How many f***ing times do I have to tell the f***tards out there? How many m*****f***ing G.D. times? Biden is merely the intermission to the end of America. Mark my words, idiots. You have no idea just how bad things have become. Welcome to stupid America. Dumber every day!