Stupid People Still Expecting … Something

Axios reports, “Sources say Leonard Leo and other Federalist Society stalwarts were shocked and floored by how weak the decision was. ‘What was the dance … all about if this was going to be the end result?’ a conservative leader asked.” Of course, only MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlan f***tards still think that traitor trump is some kind of political genius who’s playing ten-dimensional chess while everyone else is still flinging their poop and playing with their penis. It is useless! Seriously! All of it is useless. It is useless to try and reason with these morons, to make them see the logic of traitor trump’s failures, to have them admit they are as stupid as they really are, and to admit they have been played. No! It is useless! Racists and f***tards are all in with traitor trump because they are profoundly trump stupid people. Welcome to stupid America!