Stupid Questions Do Exist

This stupid write-up from AlterNet, “Veteran Associated Press reporter Matt Lee grilled a State Department spokesperson Thursday over the U.S. government’s refusal to provide direct evidence for its claim that Russia is planning to fabricate a mass casualty event as a pretext to invade Ukraine, an allegation that the Pentagon said is backed up by intelligence. During a press briefing, Lee asked the State Department’s Ned Price—a former CIA official—to furnish concrete proof of the government’s accusation, which suggests Russia is plotting an elaborate false flag attack involving a graphic ‘propaganda video… depicting corpses, crisis actors pretending to be mourners, and images of destroyed locations or military equipment.’ Lee said he has every reason to be skeptical of U.S. government assertions, given the lies that the Bush administration used to justify the invasion and occupation of Iraq. ‘I remember WMDs in Iraq,’ said Lee.”

This Lee guy is a G.D. f***ing moron. Why didn’t he just ask straight-up: Please reveal to the entire world the U.S. Intelligence Community’s sources and methods for obtaining and analyzing secrete information. WTF?!?! And then he goes on to compare this situation with WMDs in Iraq. What a G.D. f***tard. OMG. The stupid hurts. We invaded Iraq on the WMD lie — thanks to Bush II and RepubliKKKlans. We are not going to invade Ukraine! And we are certainly not using this information as a pretext to invade. F***! We probably won’t even help defend the country, but for some reason, moronic reporters want to characterize the U.S. as attempting to trick the American people into believing we’re going to fire the first shot or we’re hoping Russia invades. Un-f***ing-believable. Honestly, I don’t give one G.D. f*** if this intelligence about a possible red flag is true or not because it’s completely immaterial to the situation. Russia will be at fault the second it invades Ukraine, and no one will care about the false excuse Russia claims as a reason for attacking a sovereign nation. I guess if the false flag unfolds as the U.S. predicted, then good on us for getting it correct, but if it does, then so what? Russia still invaded! And it’s not like a false flag is improbable. Hitler used a contrived attack on a German radio station by “Poles” as the justification to invade Poland and start WW II.

They say there are no such things as stupid questions. Guess what? That’s a lie. It always has been, and don’t believe anyone who tells you otherwise. Think before you speak. Always! Welcome to stupid America!