
Stupid Wisconsinites

From RawStory, “Wisconsin Democrats are urging the U.S. public to pay close attention to the Republican Party’s maneuvering in the key battleground state, where GOP lawmakers are floating impeachment proceedings against a recently elected liberal Supreme Court justice if she doesn’t recuse herself from cases related to the state’s gerrymandered legislative maps. ‘We’ve been sounding the alarm bells on the dangerous threats from Republicans to impeach justices who don’t follow their orders. And yesterday, they doubled down,’ Wisconsin Senate Democrats wrote in a social media post on Wednesday after state Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R-63) left open the possibility of an impeachment push against Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Janet Protasiewicz.” Of course, RepubliKKKlans are going to take advantage of their impeachment supermajority. I would expect nothing less from this party of traitors, cheats, and fascists.

Why is this a problem? Because voters in Wisconsin are f***ing G.D. morons of the highest f***ing order. This is a perfect example of f***tard Americans being completely unable to save themselves from their own stupidity. What happened exactly? Voters went to the polls to elect a Democratic-leaning (technically, these are non-partisan judges) state supreme court justice in a highly consequential election that tipped the court’s balance in favor of liberals. They got that vote right — congrats! (Note that this was a state-wide election.) But what did Wisconsinites simultaneously do in the same special election? Elect a RepubliKKKlan state Senator (Dan Knodl) to an open seat, thereby giving them a supermajority — a supermajority that allows RepubliKKKlans to impeach the newly elected Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Protasiewicz. So with that election, they f***ed everything up — naturally! But that’s what idiot voters did to themselves because, of course! You can’t make this sh*t up! But here we are! Only in stupid f***ing America does this happen. Only in a stupid f***ing country like this do people vote against their own best interests — constantly, often, and wittingly or unwittingly. I would really love to know which f***tards voted for both Protasiewicz and Dan Knodl. Those morons are out there — in force. Why even bother voting if your choices are so f***ing G.D. incomprehensible and contradictory? I want to know how people like this actually function in everyday life. I want to know how these people are so f***ing clueless. But whatever! I live in stupid f***ing hell. Welcome to stupid America — as dumb as you would expect it and more!