Stupidity Comes Home to Roost

Listening to this MAGA moron underscores the pure stupidity the country is up against as he confesses to regretting his vote for traitor trump because a liar lied — silence. At one point the caller argues that he voted for traitor trump to shake up the Washington elite because in the last 40 years the six presidents have represented the interests of big business and the wealthy, presumably to the detriment of the middle class (e.g., the mid-west states), which I might add is a very fair point; however, it is utter, complete, and abject stupidity to think that electing an entitled billionaire (an elite) who has a known history of being a crook is going to help the average Joe. I can’t! I just can’t f***ing take the level of stupidity in this country anymore. It’s astonishing that this self-proclaimed RepubliKKKlan caller, on the one hand, decries politicians for favoring the wealthy and corporations while, on the other hand, voting exactly for that type of person to be president, and then he is shocked — shocked I tell you! — that traitor trump lied to him about making America great again because after two years he is no better off. Wow! I mean wow!

But there is more irony. The guy is a diabetic and complained about paying nearly $400 a month for his medication to which the CSPAN host queried if health care was a top concern for him in the coming election. He replied — wait for it, wait for it — he replied that health care is a top issue for human beings. Either this RepubliKKKlan did not get the talking points memo regarding health care or he’s just as dumb as they come, which I suppose is merely average for any RepubliKKKlan. Once again, more proof that idiots vote against their own self-interests; only RepubliKKKlans have time after time tried to repeal and replace the ACA (with nothing). Democrats have been the only ones at least trying to make health care less costly and more equitable for everyone.

Finally, the call ends with this “old fashioned” RepubliKKKlan claiming that he would vote for Bernie Sanders because he’s the only one for the people! What the m*****f***ing hell is he talking about? The inference to be drawn here is that RepubliKKKlans used to be. Un-f***ing-believable. He probably voted for Romney, no doubt, despite that presidential candidate claiming “corporations are people, my friends” because, of course, RepubliKKKlans have always been for the little guy! Welcome to stupid America! It’s just pure stupidity here!