Succession vs. WWE Raw

Source: Axios

I love this graph because it essentially compares the viewing tastes of intelligent, sophisticated vs mindless, redneck fans. I watch Succession faithfully; it is a brilliant show with great writing and a germane subject matter. It requires a bit of thoughtful engagement; that is to say, one has to actually be able to think about what is going on in the show to appreciate it. Of course, there is the flip-side — mindless fake “wrestling.” How perfect for RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons. Although the map does not perfectly correlate to the typical red-blue political map, one gets the gist that people in the South and rural areas, for example, are too stupid to watch anything other than “rasling” (the literate-challenged pronunciation). It’s not difficult watching two people go at it in a center ring. Welcome to trump stupid America where mindlessness is considered the height of entertainment.