Sunday News Shows: RepubliKKKlans Are Unphased by the Domestic Terrorist Attack on the Capitol (Of Course)

I expected nothing less from treasonous RepubliKKKlans! Even when they try to do (or say) the right things, they still come off as apologists for traitor trump. All in all, this is just more proof that America is firmly in decline, f***tards. Four days after the domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol perpetrated by MAGA morons and incited by traitor trump and RepubliKKKlans are already making excuses while simultaneously demanding Democrats stop dividing the country by their calls for impeachment. I give up! I really, honestly just f***ing give up. How the f*** does the RepubliKKKlan Party keep winning any election anywhere, given their propensity to encourage the destruction of America and support for traitor trump? How? Oh, that’s right. I live in trump stupid America hell where nearly half of Americans love this guy. Yeah, America is so f***ed! Beyond hope, f***ed!

At best, I have watched or read about several RepubliKKKlans — many of which are either not currently in office (Chris Christie, Chris Krebs) or will not be seeking re-election (Sen. Toomey) — calling for traitor trump to be removed. Great?!?! And of those, most only want traitor trump to resign (Sen. Murkowski, Rep. Kinzinger) or for penis-loving Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment (various others). Seriously?!?! Wow! How f***ing brave of you f***tards for supporting options that are never going to happen — ever! Ugh! And at worst are those who just want to wait until 20 January. But then there is what most RepubliKKKlans are saying on the matter: Nothing! Crickets! Silence! All RepubliKKKlans can muster is complete silence on this grave matter — a rebellion against America’s government. Moreover, what RepubliKKKlans are calling for when they do speak up is for Democrats to heal the country by allowing traitor trump to end his presidency consequence-free, of course. It’s always Democrats’ fault for wanting to hold traitor trump and the RepubliKKKlan Party accountable. With a straight face, these morons call on Democrats to yield their principles in the name of healing and unifying the country! Never mind the last four years of traitor trump and RepubliKKKlans actively destroying America by advancing conspiracy theories and promoting violence against Democrats and democracy.

This is all nonsense. First, there is absolutely no reasoning or reconciling with MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans. None! Never! Second, these people are a cancer on society. Healing cannot begin until the cancer is excised! Welcome to trump stupid America! It’s the end of America, but people are too stupid to understand it. The cancer is everywhere!